- Submit your application.
- Complete your file by submitting the required supporting documents as requested by Amity’s Admission Counselor.
- Respond promptly to any requests from Amity Institute.
- Maintain a flexible period of availability.
- Be willing to go to any region of the United States (we do not accept location requests.)
- Be open to working with multiple age groups.
- Be available to come to the United States for the entire assignment period.
- Be able to fulfill the financial requirements.
- Be prepared to adapt to a new community, home, and school environment.
- An Amity Program Counselor will be assigned to you.
- Your Program Counselor will send you information about your internship, the visa application process, health insurance, and all preparations necessary prior to departure.
- The Program Counselor provides guidance, support, encouragement, and assistance with any problems from the beginning of the assignment until the end.
- You must inform Amity Institute and the school immediately.
- You will forfeit the application fee.
The Intern Program is designed to be a full school year in length. The Amity Team strongly encourages participants to commit to a full school year of cultural exchange. Read our reasons why here.
Note: per visa regulations, assignments cannot exceed 10 months.
Below is a breakdown of the approximate age and corresponding educational level:
- Elementary: 5-12 years of age
- Middle/Jr. High: 13-15 years of age
- Secondary (High School): 15-18 years of age
- Assist teachers in classes of different levels.
- Give cultural presentations.
- Assist with student activities: festivals, sports, choir, and performances.
- Work with small student groups, help in language labs, or lead discussion groups.
- $200 non-refundable application fee paid to Amity Institute
- $220 SEVIS FEE (this is a State Department Fee)
Please note: All required fees paid to Amity are non-refundable.
Costs that vary by country:
- Visa application costs (approximately $185)
- Health Insurance (approximately $97 per month)
- Personal expense money (minimum of $250 per month). Covers everyday costs for toiletries, clothing, travel entertainment, telephone, etc.
- Travel Expenses to and from the United States
Consider all costs before applying. Do not expect to earn additional money during your assignment as this violates visa rules.
Once invited, Amity will provide information for a qualifying insurance policy that costs approximately $90 per month. Other insurance plans are acceptable if they are in compliance with visa regulations.
Generally speak, most Interns live with a Host Family arranged by the Host School
- Interns receive room and board free of charge
- Interns have a private bedroom in the home
- Interns will often live with more than one host family during their assignment
- Interns are expected to actively participate in family life and household chores
- Interns are responsible for all additional living expenses
- Interns are responsible for their own transportation during free time
- Transportation to and from school is arranged by the Host School and may be with a member of the Host Family